Monday, July 4, 2011

Growing Up

   Please keep in mind as you read this that it was written during a not very fun 9 hour car ride. I am not usually this cynical, promise.

    So, this week I turned 18. And I'm starting to realize growing up kind of sucks (and it's expensive).
    I miss the days when the biggest decision I had to make was which cartoon to watch instead of which career to choose, and the only fights I had with my parents were about my vegetables, not my (lack of a) job or my religious views.
    There are more financial things to worry about, like school tuition and books, new car, gas and repairs for said car, and so on. While I want desperately to be completely independent, right now that's impossible, and that frustrates me more than anything.
    Our society tells us that we're supposed to have figured out what to do with the rest of our lives by this point, but I think I need a little more time. Today I want to be a doctor, but who's to say that this time next year I won't want to be a teacher or something completely different. There's just too much emphasis put on what you're going to be rather than who you're going to be.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trains, Cannons, and Bearded Ladies

So, for one of my scholarship essays I had to write a creative story after looking at a picture. The picture was of a rather barren field with the frame of a car sitting on the ground and a train going by in the background. The following is my story.
Seeing as (most of) my car had been stolen, I decided to take a chance and hop on the train that was passing by the outskirts of town. I was planning on leaving town anyway. What did I have to lose?
I managed to swing my small suitcase inside a box car and proceeded to jump inside it. It would be an understatement to say I was a bit shocked at what I saw. I had ended up on the train of a traveling circus. There were the usual clowns and lion tamers, trapeze artists and contortionists, and even a bearded lady. They were all very nice, except the bearded lady who was rather pretentious.
I was asked to join their traveling circus, but I was afraid I didn’t possess any sort of circus talent. The lion tamer, who was also the ring master, encouraged me to try my hand at lion taming, but I declined and told him I’d rather keep my hands. I finally decided to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a human cannonball.
This made the bearded lady even more resentful towards me. Not only was there another female with whom to compete, but now I was the center of attention with my new human cannonball act. While I performed and became the star of the show, the bearded lady plotted her revenge.
I was just about to blast out of the cannon; I could hear my song, “Eye of the Tiger,” playing. All of a sudden I felt the cannon being tilted up just slightly. I panicked; I desperately tried to climb out of the cannon before it fired because I knew my trajectory had been thrown off, and that meant disaster. Boom! I flew out of the cannon, but I looked back just in time to see the bearded lady give a smug smile and wave at me. However, her smile faded when I grabbed hold of the tight rope instead of flying to my doom like she had hoped.
The crowd went wild thinking it was part of the act, so I decided to go with it. She stood in shock while I very unsteadily made my way across the tight rope and down the ladder. The bearded lady regained her composure and tried to make a quick escape in the tiny clown car. Of course, a clown car is not very fast, especially not with a rather large woman in it. I grabbed the lion tamer’s whip and caught the car’s bumper with it.
The crowd was still cheering us on when she clambered out of the car and charged towards me. Unsure of what to do, I make a break back towards the tight rope hoping she was clumsier than I, or that she wouldn’t follow at all. I grabbed one of the balancing poles and made my way out into the middle of the rope. She followed suit but was much more uncomfortable on the rope. We battled with our balancing sticks for a very brief time when she lost her balance and (ironically enough) landed upside down in the cannon.
I wasted no time making my way down the ladder and proceeded to shoot her out of the cannon to her doom. The crowd, still completely oblivious to what was really happening, gave me a standing ovation. I took my bows, announced that the show was over, and thanked them for coming.
The circus people do not condone violence of any kind. Since the bearded lady was presumably dead, the punishment fell on me. When we passed back through my town they tossed me from the moving train. Being a human cannon ball, however, the impact did not hurt me. I was left right back where I started, watching the traveling circus and my newfound love of being a human cannonball leave me in its dust, with nothing left but a story that no one would ever believe.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wow, I haven't Blogged in Ever!

I just realized this; however, I feel like I can't top my last blog. I mean, what's cooler than meeting the one and only Cat Man? Thus, I'm beginning to get the feeling that this will just be a bit of a ramble.
It's been one of those days where it seems like everything that could have gone wrong did. I decided to be a good student last night and finish up my art project, but my printer was out of ink. So being the resourceful little person that I am, I got up extra early to get to school and use mom's printer. Her printer was out of ink too. So, I ran to Mrs. Lockhart's room and told her my sordid tale, and, since she is a wonderful person, said I could use her computer that was hooked up to the color printer. I think I'm cursed. You guessed it; her computer wouldn't work either! Finally, right before the bell rang I ran to the library and printed it.
After the whole fiasco was over I got everything glued to my poster only to discover that I didn't have to give my presentation today. I kind of wanted to pull my hair out.
to add to my day, ACT scores came out. Needless to say, I didn't do as well as I had hoped. Yes, I'm fully aware that a 30 is good, but for me it's not good enough. Most people wouldn't believe this, but I happen to be a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.
Geez, I'm a downer today. On a brighter note, I've become addicted to crocheting again. I guess as addictions go it could be worse. At least I get cute little hats and whatnot out of it. I've also set up a couple of college visits. It doesn't seem like it should be time for that yet, but I'm pretty excited. I'm ready for a change, a big change, even if it does scare me nearly to death.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Guerrilla Warfare and Catman

So, yesterday I saw an RLSH, a Real Life Super Hero. And what did I do? Stared at him really hard for a few seconds and ran away yelling, "Mom, I think I just saw Catman!" I'm pretty sure he, and everyone else in the general vincinity, now think I'm insane, but being the super hero that he is, he just smiled at me, I think. Even though I made a complete fool of myself, I am among the few people that can say they have seen a Real Life Super Hero.

On a less embarrassing note, I received my first homework assignment for the year. No, school has not started yet for those of you who don't keep up with the calendar. Mrs. L calls this homework, "Guerrilla Warfare with kind Words," and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I was given ten sticky notes and told to leave them for people with words of encouragement on them. So far I have only done a few, but my favorite I left in a dressing room saying, "You Are Beautiful." What better place than a dressing room? In my opinion, everyone could use a bit of encouragement in there.

I've decided I'm going to continue this homework assignment for the rest of the year and not just with sticky notes. I want to be better at building people up with my words, actions, sticky notes, etc, and hopefully encourage more people to do the same. It seems like a small way to make the world a better, happier place to live.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Adventures in a gold Camry

Today after an excruciating time at soccer practice and a well deserved shower, Milton, West and I set out to finally sell newspaper ads. We collected one check; however, I learned that if you want to talk to a business manager and/or owner It's best to ask on Wednesday or Thursday either before ten or after four.

The day wasn't a total loss though. Milton and I fought in the Manchester Times office and stole West's car. (Not really, we just moved it to a different parking spot while she was in the bank.) I also learned West loves those rolling storage stools. "I love these things! Ya know why!? Because you can store things in them!" We also had a noodle fight in front of the toy section, which I highly recommend, until one of the workers walked by and gave us a strange look. Milton jumped out of a moving car. This actually consisted of West putting the car in drive, keeping her foot on the break, and Milton just casually stepping out. But now he's at least able to say he got out of a moving car and not be lying.

All in all today was the best, least successful ad selling day. I couldn't ask for better friends than West and Milton. The fact that I have friends that well sing Queen and Journey songs at the top of their lungs with me and hide in the seat of the car from people we know in parking lot is extremely comforting. I am not alone in my weirdness.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More About Me

My name is Emily Taylor Winton

I'm 17, but I look twelve

My weaknesses include Super Nintendo games, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and boys who enjoy any of the things previously mentioned as much as I do

I always smile at strangers

I drive a hippie bus

I have a rat, yes a rat, named Prudence and a dog named Marley

I want to fall in love with a stranger and run away to Vegas to elope

People who tell me bedtime stories are my favorite

I could look at the stars for hours, and some nights I'm pretty sure I can see them all from my backyard

If I could travel back in time, I'd go to Woodstock

I'm obsessed with Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass

My musical interests range from The Beatles to 3oh!3 and everything in between

I don't get embarrassed easily. I break out in song and/or dance in public

I love making people happy, but apparently I can be super mean too

I have the best friends in the world. They put up with all my antics and I love them for that.